What Is the Sylvan/Otter Association?
The Sylvan Otter Lake Association is a non-profit organization, comprised of volunteers to improve and protect the quality of our lakes and our community.
On a Sad Note

We are sorry to inform you that Al Payson recently passed away. Al was a big supporter of the Sylvan Otter Association. Back in the day he passed out newsletters, helped establish a lake level, and Al was the one who started the goose round up program many years ago to help keep our beaches, docks, and lawns cleaner. Al always had a smile on his face and a great story to tell. He will be missed. Our thoughts are with his wife, Pat and their family during these difficult times.
We have compiled a variety of subjects to keep you informed, keep you safe and to ensure year around enjoyment of lakes.

wave runner).
Those 14 and 15 years of age may legally operate a PWC if they have obtained a boating safety