What is the waterski slalom course?
The state licensed waterski course is located on Otter Lake. It a series of buoys consisting of the “boat guides” used to act as a “runway” for the boat and six turning balls. The skier must enter the the “entrance gates”, succesfully turn around each of the six balls and then exit through the “exit gates”. Upon each successful completion, the boat speed is increased and/or the ski rope is shortened thus making it more difficult.
For Ski Boats Only
The course itself consists of a series of cables and PVC pipes connected underwater. Although the course floats, it is only slightly below the water surface. Thus, any outboard motor, PWC or large wakesurf boat will generally damage the course and most likely your boat. Thus, we ask that only ski boats and slalom skiers use the course
Be Courteous
Although wakesurfers and wakeboarders generally want the largest wakes, skiers want the very smallest wake. This not only helps with making it through the course, but large wakes can create a safety hazard for the skiers. Thus, if you see someone in the course, please try to minimize your wake and/or take turns.
Ski Course Operational Costs
As much as we kindly asks boats to stay clear of the course and no mooring, each year we incur significant costs due to replacing cables, PVC, buoys, etc. If you are using the course on a regular basis, we ask that you contribute $50.00 per skier to help offset these costs.
Water Skiers behind a boat may ski one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset